moje delo


Short documentary / State of Preparedness / 2024 / Tirana, Albania

Short documentary / State of Preparedness / 2024 / Tirana, Albania

In "State of Preparedness," the audience is drawn into the shadowy labyrinth of Albania’s bunker-strewn landscape, where the tangible—monolithic structures of Enver Hoxha’s regime—merges with the intangible: the collective unconscious shaped by fear, survival, and...

Nature as a Subject / PERFORMANCE / 2023 / Koper

Nature as a Subject / PERFORMANCE / 2023 / Koper

A Story of The Land, The Sea and The Border The Triptych In cooperation with the international platform LINA and the Society of Architects of Istria DAI-SAI will Boštjan Bugarič will prepare an impactful performance entitled Nature as Subject. Together with the dancer...

Short documentary / Public Housing: Belgrade Mode / 2023 / Belgrade

Short documentary / Public Housing: Belgrade Mode / 2023 / Belgrade

Already in the late 1960s, planners, social scientists, the press, and other groups within the cultural sphere began to reflect upon the onset of an existential crisis in modern architecture in Belgrade. The image of Belgrade changed rapidly because of the political...

Short / The Ground for Culture / 2023 / Ljubljana

Short / The Ground for Culture / 2023 / Ljubljana

The short film The Ground for Culture explores the contemporary situation of cultural workers through the built environment, displaying the Cukrarna building (Ljubljana, Slovenia) as a metaphor and symbol that merges the past and current position of cultural...

Short / Timecapsule / 2023 / Krvavica

Short / Timecapsule / 2023 / Krvavica

From care to cure and back" programme explores critical architectural heritage, coexistences of past, present and future communities in relation to abandoned architecture, and encourages transformation of both material and immaterial environments from “spaces of a...

Leave No One Behind / 2023 / Tirana

Leave No One Behind / 2023 / Tirana

In collaboration with LINA Platform, Copenhagen architecture film festival and Barleti University in Tirana I was invited to make a short film about inclusive design in Tirana Albania. Play is older than culture. Play theorist Johan Huizinga in his book Homo Ludens...

Korona na ulici / 2020 / Ljubljana

Korona na ulici / 2020 / Ljubljana

V okviru projekta smo dokumentirali 13 zgodb iz življenja in o življenju brezdomcev v času koronavirusa na Ljubljanskih ulicah, o spremenjenih in predvsem oteženih življenjskih razmerah, v katerih so se znašli na ulici, ki so bili posledica sprejetih ukrepov za...

Festival Bauhaus Radical / 2019 / Dessau

Festival Bauhaus Radical / 2019 / Dessau

Stavbe Bauhaus v Dessauu so prototipi radikalnih oblik za prihodnost. Razviti so bili za resnično življenje in v njem preizkušeni. Bauhaus Dessau na festivalu Architecture Radical odpira vprašanje, koliko je arhitekturni radikalizem še danes aktualen. Kakšne bi morale...

LINA: RE-Function / 2022 / Ljubljana

LINA: RE-Function / 2022 / Ljubljana

Pri razumevanju odnosov v grajenem okolju je pomembno razumeti rabo njegovih uporabnikov. Na ta način se ustvarja nov kontekst predvsem zapuščenih in neizkoriščenih prostorov, ki v povezavi z novimi razmerji ustvarja različne možnosti začasne rabe in s tem tudi nove...

Torklja / 2013 / Koper

Torklja / 2013 / Koper

The documentary Torklja shows the process of extracting olive oil using a traditional press (torklja). The connecting thread is the story told by the owner of the oilery in which the film was shot. [pdfjs-viewer...

Revija Hiše / 2019

Revija Hiše / 2019

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Spekula / 2019 / Koper

Spekula / 2019 / Koper

Kako osmisliti novogradnjo, ki je zaradi krize gradbenega sektorja ostala nedokončana in je brez vsebin ključni problem trenutnega stanja mesta Koper. Pregledali bomo predloge, usmerjene v razvoj začasne rabe v zapostavljenih in neurejenih...

Tomosov nebotičnik: Spomenik časa / 2020 / Koper

Tomosov nebotičnik: Spomenik časa / 2020 / Koper

Dokumentarni film povezuje osebne spomine in zgodbe posameznikov, ki so živeli v nebotičniku ter participatorne poglede strokovnjakov iz področja urbanizma, arhitekture, prostorske sociologije, kulturne dediščine z namenom vzpostavljanja aktivne participacije, začasne...

O meni

Sem Rebeka Bratož Gornik in ustvarjam na področju filma arhitekture in kreativnih praks raziskovanja. Sem neodvisna producentka dokumentarnih in etnografskih filmov in serij s področja arhitekture, prostora in družbenih vlog.

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