Nature as a Subject / PERFORMANCE / 2023 / Koper

A Story of The Land, The Sea and The Border

The Triptych

In cooperation with the international platform LINA and the Society of Architects of Istria DAI-SAI will Boštjan Bugarič will prepare an impactful performance entitled Nature as Subject. Together with the dancer Valentina Tomažinčič they will use the example of the location of Debeli Rtič and its position in the border region between Italy and Slovenia to communicate how, after the pandemic, the paradigms of the changing world are directed towards the conclusion of a new agreement that is not focused on humans. The presented decolonisation methodologies can change the perception of community space and encourage individuals to use it more appropriately in the time of climate catastrophes.

5.10.2023 at 17:00 Ukmar Square, Koper, Kiosk K67 Boštjan Bugarič, Valentina Tomažinčič

Concept: Boštjan Bugarič

Performing: Boštjan Bugarič, Valentina Tomažinčič

Composition: Boštjan Bugarič, 

Music: (used material): Laibach – Germania, Nina Hagen – Der Wind Hat Mir Ein Lied Erzählt, Hildegard Knef – Für mich soll’s rote Rosen regnen

Camera: Rebeka Bratož Gornik, Natalija Gajić

Drone Footage: Nikola Predović

Editing: Rebeka Bratož Gornik 

Production: KUD C3, October 2023

In cooperation and with the support of:

Ministry of Culture Slovenia

Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy – The Month of Space Month

Piran Coastal Galleries

Koper Municipality 

University of Primorska Faculty of Education Department of Visual Arts and Architecture

Avtomatik Delovišče

Independent Coastal Radio NOR 

Prostor štiva BURRA

Association of Architects of Istria DAI – SAI

LINA Architecture Programme


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O meni

Sem Rebeka Bratož Gornik in ustvarjam na področju filma arhitekture in kreativnih praks raziskovanja. Sem neodvisna producentka dokumentarnih in etnografskih filmov in serij s področja arhitekture, prostora in družbenih vlog.

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