by Rebeka Bratoz Gornik | Jan 8, 2025 | Projekti, Projekti - izpostavljeno
Habitar dokumentarna serija je transmedijski projekt, ki se poglablja v eno najnujnejših vprašanj našega časa: stanovanja. Medtem ko stanovanjske krize, gentrifikacija in hitro urbano širjenje še naprej preoblikujejo mesta in življenja njihovih prebivalcev, Habitar...
by Rebeka Bratoz Gornik | Dec 16, 2024 | Projekti, Projekti - izpostavljeno
In “State of Preparedness,” the audience is drawn into the shadowy labyrinth of Albania’s bunker-strewn landscape, where the tangible—monolithic structures of Enver Hoxha’s regime—merges with the intangible: the collective unconscious shaped by fear,...
by Rebeka Bratoz Gornik | Jan 30, 2024 | Projekti, Projekti - izpostavljeno
A Story of The Land, The Sea and The Border The Triptych In cooperation with the international platform LINA and the Society of Architects of Istria DAI-SAI will Boštjan Bugarič will prepare an impactful performance entitled Nature as Subject. Together with the dancer...
by Rebeka Bratoz Gornik | Aug 7, 2023 | Projekti, Projekti - izpostavljeno
Already in the late 1960s, planners, social scientists, the press, and other groups within the cultural sphere began to reflect upon the onset of an existential crisis in modern architecture in Belgrade. The image of Belgrade changed rapidly because of the political...
by Rebeka Bratoz Gornik | Aug 7, 2023 | Projekti, Projekti - izpostavljeno
The short film The Ground for Culture explores the contemporary situation of cultural workers through the built environment, displaying the Cukrarna building (Ljubljana, Slovenia) as a metaphor and symbol that merges the past and current position of cultural...
by Rebeka Bratoz Gornik | May 25, 2023 | Projekti, Projekti - izpostavljeno
From care to cure and back” programme explores critical architectural heritage, coexistences of past, present and future communities in relation to abandoned architecture, and encourages transformation of both material and immaterial environments from “spaces of...