The biennial Ark Rex Architecture Film Festival brings international documentary films focusing on architecture and urban planning to the big screen at Bio Rex and showcases the filmmakers behind these movies.
“Ark Rex Arkkitehtuurielokuvafestivaali among films on Siza, Mies van der Rohe, the Bauhaus Archive, films by the internationally acclaimed artist Cibic Jasmina are shown – and a film on Krvavica – TIMECAPSULE – by the young Slovenian filmmaker Rebeka Bratož Gornik. Her second film “The Ground for Culture”, screened at the festival as well, was also produced within LINA /Learning, Interacting, Networking in Architecture/ platform.
It was such a blast to work on this film with Rebeka, Matija Kralj, Joaquin Mora, Bojan Divić Žeravićin (the voice of the architect Rikard Marasović, and the original score by Babin Zub), together with the irreplaceable actor Lovrenco Laušić, the Al Pacino of Krvavica and beyond!”
– Ana Dana Beroš.